1. Billeci TM and Stults JT: Tryptic mapping of recombinant proteins by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. Anal Chem 13:1709-16, 1993.
2. Henzel WJ, Billeci TM, Stults, JT, Wong SC, Grimley C and Watanabe C: Identifying proteins from two-dimensional gels by molecular mass searching of peptide fragments in protein sequence databases. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 90:5011-5015, 1993.
3. Henzel WJ, Grimley C, Bourell JH., Billeci TM., Wong S and Stults JT: Analysis of two-dimensional gel proteins by mass spectrometry and microsequencing. Methods: Companion Methods Enzymol 6:239-247, 1994.
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5. Lukavsky P, Billeci TM, James TL and Schmitz U: NMR structure determination of a 28-nucleotide RNA from the mammalian signal recognition particle, In Molecular Modeling of Nucleic Acids, J SantaLucia and NB Leontis Eds, ACS, Washington, DC, 1998, pp 122-149.
6. Mujeeb A, Ulyanov NB, Billeci TM, Farr-Jones S and James TL: Conformational ensemble calculations: analysis of protein and nucleic acid NMR data. In Modern Techniques in Protein NMR, LJBN RamaKrishna Ed, Plenum Press, 1998.
7. Furrer P, Billeci TM, Donati A, Kojima C, Karwowski B, Sierzchala A, Stec W and James TL: Structural effect of complete [Rp]-phosphorothioate and phosphorodithioate substitutions in the DNA strand of a model antisense inhibitor-target RNA complex. J Mol Biol 285:1609-1622, 1999.
8. Mujeeb A, Clever JL, Billeci TM, James TL and Parslow TG: Structure of the dimer initiation complex of the HIV-1 genomic RNA, Nature Struct Biol 5:432-436, 1998.
9. Tonelli M, Ulyanov NB, Billeci TM, Karwowski B, Guga P, Stec WJ and James TL: Dynamic NMR structures of [Rp]- and [Sp]-phosphorothioated DNA-RNA hybrids, Biophysical Journal 85:2525-2538, 2003.
1. Billeci TM., Henzel WJ, Wong S, Grimley C, Watanabe C and Stults JT: Identifying proteins from two-dimensional gels at the femtomole level. Western Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1993.
2. Henzel WJ, Billeci TM, Stults JT, Wong S, Grimley C and Watanabe C: A novel approach for identifying two-dimensional gel proteins by molecular mass searching of peptide fragments in protein sequence databases. 7th Symposium Protein Society, San Diego, CA, 1993.
3. Gillece-Castro B, Guzetta A, Billeci TM, and O’Connell K.: Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of glycopeptides and oligosaccharides. 5th Sanibel Conference on Mass Spectrometry: Mass Spectrometry of Carbohydrates, Sanibel Island, FL, 1993.
4. Stults JT, Billeci TM, Henzel WJ, Wong S, Grimley C and Watanabe C: Carbohydrate-containing matrices for MALDI: applications to recombinant protein digests and in situ digests of proteins from two-dimensional gels. 41st ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, San Francisco, CA, 1993.
5. Kealey JT, Gu XR., Billeci TM and Santi DV: Mechanism of m5U54 tRNA methyltransferase. American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1995.
6. Schmitz U, Billeci TM, Vinayak R, Feymann DM, Keenan R, Walter P and James T: NMR Studies of the conserved RNA domain of mammalian signal recognition particle. 37th Experimental NMR Conference, Asilomar, CA, 1996.
7. Schmitz U, Billeci TM, James TL and Lukavsky P: NMR studies of the conserved 43-nucleotide RNA domain of mammalian signal recognition particle. 213th American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 1997.
8. Lukavsky P, Behrens S, Billeci TM, James TL and Schmitz U: NMR studies of the conserved 43- nucleotide RNA domain of mammalian signal recognition particle. 10th Conversation in Biomolecular Stereodynamics, Albany, NY, 1997.
9. Billeci TM, Furrer P, Donati A, Kojima C, Stec W and James TL: Phosphorothioate and phosphorodithioate modifications of antisense oligomers: A structural comparison.10th Conversation in Biomolecular Stereodynamics, Albany, NY, 1997.
10. Lukavsky P, Billeci TM, James TL and Schmitz U: Structure of the RNA domain of signal recognition particle. 2nd Itl. RNA Conference, Santa Cruz, CA, 1998.
11. Billeci TM, Furrer P, Donati A, Kojima C, Stec W and James TL: Solution structures of phosphorothioate and phosphorodithioate-containing antisense agents. ACS/FASEB, San Francisco, CA, 1998.
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1. Derby R, Lee SH, Chen Y: Injection therapies, nerve ablation and IDET for degenerative lumbar conditions. Seminars in Spine Surgery, in press.
13. Fruehauf J: EGFR function and detection in cancer therapy. J Exp Ther Oncol 5:231-46, 2006.
17. Venook, AP: Epidermal growth factor receptor-targeted treatment for advanced colorectal carcinoma. Cancer 103:1-12, 2005.
18. Kumar PS and Pegram M: Epidermal growth factor receptor and signal transduction: potential targets for anti-cancer therapy. Anticancer Drugs 16:483-494, 2005.
19. Derby R, Kim B-J, Lee S-H, Chen Y, Seo K-S, Aprill C: Comparison of discographic findings in asymptomatic subject discs and the negative control discs of chronic LBP patients: can discography distinguish asymptomatic discs among morphologically abnormal discs? Spine J 5:389-94, 2005.
20. Derby R, Chen Y, Lee S-H, Seo KS, Kim B-J: Non-surgical interventional treatment of cervical & thoracic radiculopathies. Pain Physician 7:389-94, 2005.
22. Derby R, Lettice JJ, Kula TA, Lee SH, Seo KS, Kim BJ: Single-level lumbar fusion in chronic discogenic low back pain: psychological and social status as a predictor of outcome using the 36-item short form. J Neurosurg Spine 3:255-61, 2005.
23. Ellis LM: Epidermal growth factor receptor in tumor angiogenesis. Hematology/Oncology Clin North America 18:1007-1021, 2004.
24. Harari PM: Epidermal growth factor receptor inhibition strategies in oncology. Endocrin Relat Cancer 11:689-708, 2004.
25. Laskin JJ and Sandler AB: Epidermal growth factor receptor: a promising target in solid tumours. Cancer Treatment Reviews 30:1-17, 2004.
26. Lee SH, Derby R, Chen Y, Kim MJ, Seo KS: In vitro measurement of pressure in the intervertebral discs and annulus fibrosus with and without annular tears during discography. Spine J 4:614-8, 2004.
28. Derby R, Eek B, Kim BJ, Lee SH: Comparison of intradiscal restorative injections and intradiscal electrothermal treatment (IDET) in the treatment of low back pain. Pain Physician. 7:63-6, 2004.
30. Chen Y, Derby R, Lee SH: Percutaneous disc decompression in the management of chronic low back pain. Orthopedic Clin North Am 35;17-23, 2004.
31. Chen Y, Derby R, Kim BJ, Lee SH: Epidural steroid injection—past, present & future. SpineLine 9:17, 2003.
32. O’Neill CW, Kurgansky M E, Derby R, Ryan DP: Disc stimulation and patterns of referred pain. Spine 27:2776-81, 2002.
Developed Abstracts
1. Kozloff M, Sugrue MM, Berlin J, Flynn PJ, Kabbinavar F, Sargent D, Purdie DM, Dong W, Grothey, A: Safety and effectiveness of bevacizumab and chemotherapy in elderly patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: results from the BRiTE prospective cohort study. ASCO GI, 2008 #454.
4. Lenz HJ, Mayer RJ, Gold P, Mirtsching B, Stella PJ, Cohn A, Pippas AW, Malloy P, Azarnia N, Needle M, Van Cutsem E: Activity of cetuximab in patients with colorectal cancer refractory to both irinotecan and oxaliplain. ASCO 2005 #3510.
5. Lenz HJ, Mayer R, Gold P, Mitsching B, Cohn AL, Pippas AW, Azarria N, Windt P, Van Cutsem E: Activity of cetuximab in patients with colorectal cancer refractory to a fluoropyrimidine, irinotecan, and oxaliplatin. ACSO GI, 2005 #10269.
6. Bonner J, Harari P, Giralt J, Baselga J, Shin DM, Cohen R, Jassem J, Azarnia N, Molby P, Ang K: Improved preservation of larynx with the addition of cetuximab for cancers of the larynx and hypopharynx. ASCO 2005 #5530.
7. Pippas AW, Lenz HJ, Mayer RJ, Mirtsching B, Cohn AL, Van Cutsem E: Analysis of EGFR status in metastatic colorectal cancer patients treated with cetuximab monotherapy. ASCO 2005 #3595.
8. Lenz HJ, Mayer RJ, Mirtsching B, Cohn AL, Pippas AW, Ding C, Van Cutsem E: Consistent response to treatment with cetuximab monotherapy with metastatic colorectal cancer. ASCO 2005 #3536.
10. Cosler LE, Homberger J, Lyman GH: Economic analysis of targeting chemotherapy using a 21-gene RT-PCR assay in lymph node-negative, estrogen receptor-positive, early stage breast cancer. ASCO 2004.
11. Habel LA, Quesenberry CP, Jacobs MK, Blick NT, Greenberg D, Alexander C, Baker J, Walker M., Watson D, Hackett J, Shak SA: Large case-control study of gene expression and breast cancer death in the northern california Kaiser Permanente population. ASCO 2004.
12. Lyman GH, Cosler L, Homberger J: A 21-gene RT-PCR assay in lymph-node-negative, estrogen-receptor-positive, early-stage breast cancer: an age-specific economic analysis. ASCO 2004.
14. Derby R, Chen Y, Seo KS, Kim B-J, Lee S-H: Lumbar disc annular disruption in the determination of discogenic pain sources. 3rd Congress of the World Institute of Pain (WIP), Barcelona, Spain, September 21-25, 2004.