by Todd Billeci | Feb 29, 2020 | Research Practice, Studio Practice
No need to sculpt, paint. Expressions — horror, beauty — are intrinsic to objects around us amd merely need to be imaged. I see chaos and instability in everything.
by Todd Billeci | Feb 14, 2020 | Research Practice, Studio Practice
Is it possible to induce a rapid series of emotions without just being a film?
by Todd Billeci | Feb 10, 2020 | Research Practice, Studio Practice
Idea of empty space as threatening, abhorent to nature. Early gas laws chemists from those Harvard case studies.
by Todd Billeci | Feb 9, 2020 | Research Practice, Studio Practice
Can photos of inanimate objects themselves be a menace?
by Todd Billeci | Feb 8, 2020 | Research Practice, Studio Practice
Physical laws of this multiverse drive an evolutionary process of optimization with rapid diversification and a strong adaptive potential in organisms based on competition. Unfortunately, the competitive process of Darwinian optimization becomes self-destructive on a...
by Todd Billeci | Feb 7, 2020 | Studio Practice
Try components of microscopic subjects rearranged. Use jewelry tweezers. Exquisite biological detail should add considerable visual interest.